Versa Limoncello Spritz 250ml
Versa Limoncello Spritz 250ml
Versa's Limoncello Spritz delivers an invigorating burst of zest encapsulated in a convenient can. Its refreshingly crisp profile harmoniously unites the tangy essence of Italian Limoncello with the effervescence of Italian prosecco, culminating in a sprightly finish with soda water. This concoction offers an exquisitely balanced spritz, which tantalizes the palate with vibrant citrus flavors, thus forging an outstandingly pleasurable and invigorating drinking experience.
For maximum enjoyment, it is recommended to consume this product chilled directly from the can. Alternatively, one can pour it over ice, garnishing with a lemon wedge and mint to enhance the appealing aesthetics and taste.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Versa |
Size | 250ml |
Alcohol Content | 8.0% |
Type | Pre-Mixed Drinks |
Category | Spritz |
Country | Australia |
Barcode | 9369900033541 |