Vasse Felix Premier Chardonnay 750ml
Vasse Felix Premier Chardonnay 750ml
The Vasse Felix Premier Chardonnay is a stunning embodiment of what makes Margaret River Chardonnay so revered. This captivating white wine showcases the region's cool climate, diverse soils, and the winemaking expertise of Vasse Felix. This exceptional Chardonnay undergoes fermentation in French oak barriques, followed by maturation in a combination of new and used French oak barrels for 14 months. Vasse Felix utilises 44% new oak and 56% seasoned oak, with 26% from one-year-old Mercurey casks. This meticulous process allows the wine to develop complexity while retaining its vibrant characteristics. The Premier Chardonnay is also vegan-friendly, reflecting Vasse Felix's commitment to sustainable and inclusive practices. While the Premier Chardonnay is delightful in its youth, it also possesses the potential to age gracefully for over 5 years. As the wine matures, it will develop further complexity, offering a rewarding experience for those who choose to cellar it.
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Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Vasse Felix |
Size | 750ml |
Type | Wine |
Category | White Wine |
Style | Chardonnay |
Barcode | 9315032008087 |