Unico Zelo Delta Blue 750ml
Unico Zelo Delta Blue 750ml
"Delta Blue is an ode to the iconic Australian red blends. Think Cabernet Shiraz or Syrah Pinot. Aussies have created some distinct red blends in the recent wine history of this country.
We’ve had a crack at an unapologetically Unico take on the everyday, reliable, brooding red blend, choosing varieties suited to their respective climates.
Grenache does the heavy lifting, a variety we haven’t dived into much as it’s far from the underdog varieties we typically use. Still, after working with some 1940s vines in the Riverland, we’ve become enamoured with this drought-hardy variety.
Touriga Nacional from the mighty Langhorne Creek is our next heavy hitter in the blend. It adds a rich, ironstone drive full of ripe black fruit and black olive tapenade.
We’ve pieced the puzzle together with small doses of our beloved Nero D’avola, some lovely Adelaide Hills Syrah (one of the best places to grow it in the country), and a new one for us, Montepulciano, with a lively spicy finish!
As patriotic as we can get, this punchy red is perfect for an old friend and a campfire."
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Unico Zelo |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 13.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Red Wine |
Style | Red Blends |
Country | Australia |
Region | South Australia |
Barcode | 9352487000723 |