The Dalmore Cigar Malt Whisky 700ml
The Dalmore Cigar Malt Whisky 700ml
The perfect accompaniment to the finest cigars, this Highland Single Malt is matured in American white oak ex-Bourbon barrels, Cabernet Sauvignon barriques, and Matusalem Oloroso Sherry casks exclusively available to the whisky makers of The Dalmore.
This exquisite whisky was created as the perfect single malt to enjoy with the world's finest cigars. Matured in American white oak ex-Bourbon barrels, and finessed in Cabernet Sauvignon red wine barriques and González Byass Sherry casks which have previously contained 30 year old Matusalem Oloroso sherry. The spirit is carefully brought together by our whisky makers, perfectly combining the unique character and flavour of each element.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | The Dalmore |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 44.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Style | Single Malt Whisky |
Country | United Kingdom |
Barcode | 0-50-13967-00842-7 |