Rall Grenache Blanc 2021 750ml
Rall Grenache Blanc 2021 750ml
Now the 5th vintage of this wine and still the same fruit from dry farmed own rooted bush vines in the Piekenierskloof. The idea behind this has always been to make a wine that reflects the fresher and lighter side of this variety. Picked in 2 stages and only fermented and matured in concrete eggs and clay to asure nothing but the vineyard the place and the variety is expressed in the final product.
Like the other white wines in the range the grapes are wholebunch pressed and transferred without settling straight to the vessels for fermentation. 8 months on the lees in the eggs gives lovely texture before bottling without any heavy filtration.
96 points: The Wine Magazine
92 points: Tim Atkins MW
93 points: Platter's Wine Guide
Vintages may vary. Email us at hello@barrelandbatch.com.au if you would like confirmation.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Rall |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 13.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | White Wine |
Style | Various White Varietals |
Country | South Africa |
Region | South Africa |
Barcode | 4906511111111 |