Natureo Dry Muscat 750ml
Natureo Dry Muscat 750ml
Made with grapes sourced from some of Spain's finest vineyards, this is a fresh, bright muscat with a dry finish. It isn't overly sweet, unlike many Muscat's, and has some lovely floral and fruity aromas including green apple, peach and citrus. We recommend pairing it with any kind of spicy Asian food, whether it's Thai, Vietnamese or Chinese.
Natureo’s range of non-alcoholic wines are produced by Bodegas Torres SA, one of Spain’s largest and most respected wineries. Located in the historical wine growing area of Penedes in the Catalonia region, near Barcelona, Bodegas Torres has been in operation for 150 years and is dedicated to creating premium, high quality wines for all to enjoy. Using an innovative alcohol extraction system, they are able to retain the powerful antioxidants, vitamins and mineral salts found in standard wine, without the alcohol.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Natureo |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 0.5% |
Type | Non-Alcoholic |
Category | Non-Alcoholic Wine |
Country | Spain |
Region | Penedes |
Barcode | 2-84-10113-00192-4 |