Lyre's Pink London Spritz 250ml
Lyre's Pink London Spritz 250ml
Lyre’s Pink London Spritz is more than just a drink; it’s a vibe! Perfect for summer picnics, brunches, and sunny gatherings, this non-alcoholic spritz offers a refreshing dance of rose, cherry, and red berries, with a crisp apple finish and a zesty lemon twist. Enjoy it straight from the can or elevate the experience by serving it over ice with a garnish of fresh raspberries and lemon.
Each sip does more than delight – 10c from every can sold goes to the McGrath Foundation, supporting their incredible work during October for breast cancer awareness. At just 18 calories per serving, Lyre’s Pink Spritz lets you enjoy guilt-free while making a difference.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Lyre's |
Size | 250ml |
Alcohol Content | 0.0% |
Type | Non-Alcoholic |
Category | Spritz |
Country | Australia |
Barcode | 9354596005927 |