Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey 700ml
Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey 700ml
Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey 700ml is a top choice for those who appreciate American Whiskey. Distilled in Lynchburg, Tennessee, using a unique charcoal mellowing process, this American whiskey offers a smooth and rich flavour profile.
Key Features:
- Charcoal Mellowing Process: Achieved through slow filtration of freshly distilled whiskey through sugar maple charcoal.
- Aged in American Oak Barrels: Hand-made barrels impart unique oak, fruit, and vanilla notes to the whiskey.
- Expert Blending: Crafted through the blending of 170 barrels for consistent colour and flavour.
Precisely engineered, Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey 700ml embodies the dedication of the Jack Daniel's brand to quality and tradition. The combination of select grains and American Oak barrels results in a flavour profile that is perfect for casual gatherings or special occasions. This American whiskey is ideal for savouring neat, on the rocks, or in a classic Old Fashioned cocktail, making it a versatile addition to any collection.
Serving Suggestion:
- Enjoy Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey neat, on the rocks, or in a classic Whiskey Sour cocktail. Pair it with pork ribs or dark chocolate for an enhanced tasting experience.
Savor the exceptional craftsmanship of Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey 700ml. For those who are connoisseurs or those seeking new flavours, this American whiskey is a must-have. Purchase online at Barrel & Batch, your trusted source for premium Whisk(e)y.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Jack Daniel's |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Style | Tennessee Whiskey |
Country | United States |
Region | Tennessee |
Barcode | 0-82184-04595-4 |