Jack Daniel's Single Barrel Select 45% 700ml
Jack Daniel's Single Barrel Select 45% 700ml
The unique and distinctive flavor of this whiskey is achieved through a meticulous process of dropping freshly distilled whiskey through 10 feet of sugar maple charcoal. Following this, the whiskey is aged for a minimum of four years in American Oak barrels, handcrafted by Jack Daniel's. It is bottled individually, one barrel at a time, making them the only major distiller to make their own barrels. It is notable that this whiskey comes entirely from a single source in Lynchburg, Tennessee. The single barrel expressions offer varying flavor profiles, ranging from soft spice to full-bodied and robust, making it best enjoyed either neat or chilled over ice.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Jack Daniel's |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 45.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Style | Tennessee Whiskey |
Country | United States |
Region | Tennessee |
Barcode | 0-82184-08734-3 |