Del Professore Bianco Vermouth 750ml
Del Professore Bianco Vermouth 750ml
This product has been discontinued but there are some recommendations below we're sure you'll love.
Bianco Classico Vermouth is made from a Moscato-based wine from the Langhe, which is fortified with alcohol and aromatized with more than a dozen herbs and spices. The result is a golden, amber vermouth with distinct aromas and flavors, ranging from honey and chamomile to the flowering plant gentian and wormwood. At once smokey, spicy, earthy and herbal. The supple texture of the alcohol balances its heat, and underlying bitter aromas counter the sugars present. The result is a harmonious elixir that is both refreshing and complex.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Del Professore |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 18.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Vermouth |
Country | Italy |
Region | Piemont |
Barcode | 8011701089135 |