Chateau Minuty Prestige Rose 750ml
Chateau Minuty Prestige Rose 750ml
EMBLEMISTIC WINE - Minuty Prestige wines have been a must for over 25 years. They are wines of character, resulting from the subtle combination of power and finesse.
Shimmering pink with crisp aromas that pack a punch with yellow grapefruit, whitecurrant, blood orange and fresh berries such as raspberry. It’s just as crisp, strong and clean on the palate with a lovely salty and zingy aftertaste. This is a vibrant wine that packs a punch.
The lovely earthy aftertaste is ideal for seafood, with salty oysters making a match made in heaven as well as whelks, clams and anything on a seafood platter. Fish ceviche and sushi, California rolls and grilled sh work just as well. Let’s not forget Italian cuisine with classic trattoria dishes including veal Milanese and spaghetti alle vongole or delicious Provençale specialities such as stuffed vegetables or vegetable stacks.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Chateau Minuty |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 12.5% |
Type | Wine |
Category | Rose Wine |
Style | Rosé |
Country | France |
Region | Provence |
Barcode | 3547103220005 |