Balter Hazy IPA 355ml
Balter Hazy IPA 355ml
Summer is swinging into high gear with a nationwide heat haze settling over the land. And, the best way to balance out those long, hot days is swinging back in a hammock with a cold Hazy in hand. This new Balter takes on a beer lovers’ favourite in a brew that concentrates on sun-ripe taste over pure cloud coverage.
A full fruit bomb that offers quaffable sweetness, this special release style has emerged from a crowd favourite tap beer at Balter HQ and beer festivals around Australia.
Packaged in a 500ml ‘fruit cup’ colour-dipped tin to salute is tropical taste profile, Balter Hazy goes a little something like this…
If a weather app forecast the outlook on this beer it would say slightly cloudy with a downpour of juicy hops. Its luscious nectar showers your lips with a combination of candied orange, mango and passionfruit, followed with a refreshing breeze of bitterness beneath. Chill out, sip back and relax with a lazy Hazy.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Balter |
Size | 375ml |
Alcohol Content | 6.0% |
Type | Beer |
Category | Craft Beer |
Style | IPA |
Country | Australia |
Region | Queensland |
Barcode | 9350709000520 |