Absolut Vodka 700ml
Absolut Vodka 700ml
Absolut Vodka 700ml Experience the elegance of a timeless classic. With its smooth and clean profile and a fresh finish, Absolut Vodka is the epitome of premium spirits.
Key Features:
- Winter Wheat Distillation: Crafted from winter wheat and pure water from a single source in southern Sweden.
- Land-to-Bottle Process: Master distillation with a low carbon footprint, ensuring Absolut's quality and sustainability.
- Pure and Clean Taste: Absolut Vodka delivers a pure and clean taste that sets it apart from the rest.
Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, Absolut Vodka 700ml encapsulates the essence of Absolut's commitment to quality and innovation. The infusion of winter wheat provides a unique flavour profile that is perfect for any occasion. This premium product is ideal for events, making it a versatile choice for any connoisseur.
Cocktail Suggestion:
- Create a sophisticated cocktail using Absolut Vodka, your favourite mixer, and a garnish of fresh citrus.
Discover the exceptional quality of Absolut Vodka 700ml. Whether you're exploring new flavours, hosting a tasting session, or simply enjoying a premium spirit, experience why it's a favourite among vodka enthusiasts. Order Online at your Premium Spirits Partner, Barrel & Batch, and add this bottle to your liquor cabinet.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Absolut |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Vodka |
Style | Plain Vodka |
Country | Sweden |
Region | Ahus |
Barcode | 7312040553068 |