Collection: FRUIT CIDER

Looking to add a fruity flair to your cider collection? Step into the vibrant world of fruit ciders with our premium selection at Barrel & Batch. Savour the burst of flavours and brands that are sure to excite your senses. From classic apple renditions to tropical fruit-infused concoctions, we offer a diverse range to cater to all preferences. With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, you can trust that you're enjoying the best fruit ciders on the market. Treat yourself to a sip of pure fruity delight – explore our exceptional fruit cider collection today.

Looking to add a fruity flair to your cider collection? Step into the vibrant world of fruit ciders with our premium selection at Barrel & Batch. Savour the burst of flavours and brands that are sure to excite your senses. From classic apple renditions to tropical fruit-infused concoctions, we offer a diverse range to cater to all preferences. With our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, you can trust that you're enjoying the best fruit ciders on the market. Treat yourself to a sip of pure fruity delight – explore our exceptional fruit cider collection today.

Price: $

2 products

  • Thatchers Gold Cider 375ml
    Case (24)
  • The Hills Apple Ginger Cider 330ml
    Case (24)
Buy Fruit Cider Online at Barrel & Batch Fruit cider is a refreshing and flavourful beverage made from fermented fruit juices, primarily apples, but can also include other fruits such as pears, berries, and even tropical varieties. Known for its crisp taste and vibrant aromas, fruit cider has gained popularity as a versatile drink suitable for various occasions. At Barrel & Batch, we offer a carefully curated selection of premium fruit ciders, ensuring you can find the perfect bottle to enj... Read More