Weller CYPB Bourbon 750ml
Weller CYPB Bourbon 750ml
Weller CYPB Bourbon 750ml is a premium choice for those who appreciate the craft of wheated bourbon. Distilled in the traditional style of William Larue Weller, this Bourbon offers a rich and complex flavour profile.
Key Features:
- Age: 8 years
- Proof: 95
- Warehouse Location: Highest floors
Barrel-aged with care, Weller CYPB Bourbon 750ml embodies the dedication of William Larue Weller to quality and tradition. The combination of wheat and corn, aged on the highest warehouse floors, results in a smooth and full-bodied flavour profile that is perfect for special occasions. This Bourbon is ideal for celebrations and gatherings, making it a versatile addition to any collection.
Serving Suggestion:
- Enjoy Weller CYPB Bourbon neat, on the rocks, or in a classic Bourbon cocktail. Pair it with grilled meats or dark chocolate for an enhanced tasting experience.
Discover the remarkable craftsmanship behind Weller CYPB Bourbon 750ml. Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or exploring new flavours, this Bourbon is a must-have. Purchase online at Barrel & Batch, your trusted source for premium American Whiskey.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Buffalo Trace Distillery |
Size | 750ml |
Alcohol Content | 47.5% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Whisky |
Country | United States |
Barcode | 1-00-88004-03148-7 |