Brooklyn Gin Gin 700ml
Brooklyn Gin Gin 700ml
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Brooklyn Gin Gin 700ml is a standout choice for those who appreciate artisanal craftsmanship. With its fresh citrus peels and hand-cracked juniper, this craft spirit made in New York offers a taste that is both complex and flavoursome.
Key Features:
- Handcrafted in New York: Made with fresh citrus peels and hand-cracked juniper.
- Multiple Award-Winning: Double gold medals at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition and the New York World Wine & Spirits Competition.
- Exceptional Flavor Profile: Fresh, complex, and highly recommended by experts.
Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, Brooklyn Gin Gin 700ml encapsulates the essence of artisanal craftsmanship. The infusion of fresh citrus peels and hand-cracked juniper provides a unique flavour profile that is perfect for any cocktail enthusiast. This premium product is ideal for cocktail parties and special occasions, making it a versatile choice for any connoisseur.
Cocktail Suggestion:
- Create a sophisticated cocktail using Brooklyn Gin Gin 700ml, tonic water, and a garnish of fresh citrus peel.
Discover the exceptional quality of Brooklyn Gin Gin 700ml. Whether you're exploring new flavours, hosting a tasting session with friends, or indulging in a premium spirit, experience why it's a favourite among connoisseurs. Purchase this outstanding craft spirit online at your Premium Spirits Partner, Barrel & Batch, to elevate your spirits collection.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Brand Name | Brooklyn Gin |
Size | 700ml |
Alcohol Content | 40.0% |
Type | Spirits |
Category | Gin |
Style | London Dry Gin |
Country | United States |
Region | New York |
Barcode | 8-52176-00334-3 |